I have been so blessed with all of the opportunities that have come into my life since
I have started this blog. I have “met” some amazing people who have changed my life for the better. Companies like Egglands Best who give to large Charities as well as smaller Communities. I live in a very small town in Nevada. When I say small I mean…SMALL!!
We don’t have any stop lights,…. nope not even fast food or a Starbucks in sight.
Now you might ask….Why the heck would you choose to live there?
A TON of REASONS: Raise my daughter in a small town, where she is not just a number in a class room. Where she could play in any sports she wanted to try. A place where I can go on a run with out pepper spray. Have a garden. Actually “know” my neighbors.
Be involved in the community. I really could go on and on…. I LOVE living in a small town. I am so grateful that my husband is willing to commute 200+ miles (5) days a week to work so we can have the “small town” experience.
The one thing most small towns DON’T have is a large school budget……
this takes us back to the great company of Egglands Best.
I had decided to ask the local High School and Middle School if I could do a couple of
“taste tests” of some of the recipes I was working on for my Egglands Best post’s.
The principal was all for it. So I had mentioned what I was doing to the PR person (Emily) at Egglands Best. What do you think they did?…..
They “stepped up” and told me they would be sending some free Egglands Best coupons plus several aprons, and spatulas for the students of the Life Skills Class.
That was almost 6 months ago……now every Wednesday you will find me “teaching” the Students cooking class. The kids are loving it! With out volunteers and donations of others the Life Skills Class wouldn’t have been able to continue as it has, since they have a very limited budget.
This past week I helped the students make a Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner for themselves and to serve to the faculty.
Turkey, Stuffing, Mashed Potato’s, Gravy, Deviled eggs, Dinner rolls, Homemade
Orange Cranberry Sauce, Pumpkin Pie, Chocolate Cream Pie, Banana Cream Pie,
Coconut Cream Pie. (I cooked the turkey) The Students made everything them selves….yes all by scratch! the pie shells, fillings, rolls, cranberry sauce…EVERYTHING!
It was a HUGE hit!
I am thrilled to live where I do, know the people I know and volunteer to help the students achieve self esteem. I wouldn’t have been able to so this with out this blog.
Thank you for making My life as well as these students much richer.
Make a difference in YOUR community, Large or small if we choose to volunteer only BIG this will happen! To Give of yourself….is really a gift to yourself.
Thank you!,
I love this post, you do such good things.
This is seriously so cool! You are amazing! And I want to live where you do!!! It sounds picture perfect. Keep up the good work- I love your recipes!
Love, Camille
WOW! Look at you go! You are doing such an amazing thing! Cooking skills are life long skills that everyone needs! You are so lucky to have such an amazing opportunity! You should be so VERY proud of yourself! You are a beautiful person! Angie xo
Oh Lark – what a lovely post & beautiful pictures. I am sure those kids have a WONDERFUL time with you – I can’t imagine all the planning and preparing it took to make that happen in the classroom. You are such an A.MA.ZING! woman! You are truly making a difference in your corner of the world…and no telling, where all of that will lead you even further on your journey of ‘paying it forward’. I am amazed by all you do and so blessed to call you a VERY special FRIEND! XO
Well done! What a fabulous adventure and a great husband who is willing to commute for the experience. Not easy but wonderful to hear of your teaching class and that so many people can benefit from your expertise. Way to go!