This past weekend was a little busy. A good friend of mine (Jamie) was in charge of her Nephew’s wedding reception. Now she has been working on this for a couple of months. I helped out where she needed it, but basically SHE was the wedding planner!
There was a Milk & Cookie Bar for refreshments…It looked so nice!
There was stir sticks, syrup and powder mix in’s of every flavor you can think of.
Plus about 12 different kinds of cookies.
With bakery bags to fill to take home.
And Mini- Milk Cartons filled with mini cookies (the bride & groom’s favorite: Choc. chip & Oreo’s)
I’ve never heard of a cookie bar…and certainly not at a wedding! What a darling and unique idea – thanks for sharing the cool pictures! I am a Cookie Monster! I would hate to think of how out of control I could get with all those choices! =D
I love the idea of the cookie bar! I’ll have to keep that in mind for when I get married some day!