As a fellow Blogger, I am asking you to help a special person.
Her name is Keri. And she has been diagnosed for the THIRD time with Cancer. She is a FIGHTER! And everyone knows That when you need to fight for something, you need to LOOK GOOD doing it!
So when Keri was asked if she wanted anything…..
She said she wanted Hair clips to wear, until the Chemo made her lose her hair. *Also any extra hair clips we send her she is going to take and pass around to other’s who are also in treatment.
What do you say we send her a ton of hair clips?!
Please leave me a comment below if you are willing to PAY IT FORWARD!
The smallest of act’s can make the BIGGEST difference!
I would LOVE to send some clips! I also have head bands which seen to have been good for a friend of mine in the same situation. Msg me at on where I can send them!
Thanks so much for giving !
Pass the word, the more the merrier! 🙂
Hi Lark, I love the idea of sending hair clips 🙂 I am a firm believer in paying it forward too. My email is: