I was just asked to be a Visiting Teacher, now for those of you who don’t know what that is….It is something that the church I belong to ask’s the ladies to do once a month. Where basically you get to go “visit” other ladies and see if there is anything you could help with or make the Bishop aware of in times of need. And a big PLUS to this…is the friendship’s you make.
You go visit with a “topic” or lesson that has been highlighted for that month. This month it was “how to be a better V.T.”.
My friend and I chose SERVICE as our theme. Since it is something we both enjoy doing.
We came up with this cute Spring pail.
I made up some of my “famous” White Chocolate Peanut Butter Popcorn” filled the pail to make the “soil” added a fun colorful windmill as the “flower”. Tied some garden gloves to the back and added a cute thought on service.
Way to cute! You need to move into the other ward and be my V.T.er! Great job!
You need to move further up north and be my visiting teacher! Way cute and what a great idea! Keep it up Lady!
Very cute! Wish I was one of your lucky ladies!
I love visiting teaching too. Your teachees are gonna love your little treat. Wish I had you for my VT so that I could get some of that popcorn too.